
Martin Segesdi


Martin Segesdi



Postal address: ELTE-TTK, Őslénytani Tanszék, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
E-mail: martinsegesdi@gmail.com
Web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martin_Segesdi

Current Research Interests

Biomechanical investigation of the skeletal system in birds with some aquatic habits

Former Research Interests

Study of Triassic eosauropterygian marine reptiles from Villány (Hungary)
Study of Cretaceous coprolites from Iharkút (Hungary)


2020 – MSc Geology (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
2017 – BSc Earth Sciences (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)


2020 –
Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Paleontology
position: PhD student

2019 – 2020
Hungarian Natural History Museum
position: exhibition designer

Hungarian Dinosaur Found
position: assistant

Research grants and project leadership

2022 – 2024 (collaborator)
NKFIH-OTKA K 131597 („Dental wear analysis of Mesozoic sauropsid reptiles”), principal investigator: Attila Ősi

2022 (principal investigator)
2021-1-HU01-KA131-HED-000003804, Erasmus+ („Microanatomical investigation of aquatic bird long bones”)

2018 – 2019 (principal investigator)
CM-SMP-KA103/295472/2018, Erasmus+ (Campus Mundi) („Comparative Analysis of Long Bone 3D Morphology in Penguins and other Aquatic Birds”)

2016 – 2017 (principal investigator)
NTP-NFTÖ-16-0257, National Talent Support Program („Research of Triassic Vertebrates from Villány, Hungary”)

Honors and Awards

2022 – Szádeczky-Kardoss Elemér prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2022 – Semsey Andor Medallion of the Hungarian Geological Society for young researchers

2021 – Kriván Pál Commemorative Medallion of the Hungarian Geological Society for the Master Thesis

2020 – Popular science article writing contest: II. prize, Issuer: Hungarian Society for Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge and Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates

2019 – XXII. Hungarian Paleontological Conference, „Best student research”: I. prize

2019 – Excellent Student of the Faculty Prize, Issuer: Eötvös University, Faculty of Science

2017 – XX. Hungarian Paleontological Conference, „Best student research”: II. prize

2017 – III. Life-science „elevator speech” festival: I. prize, Issuer: Biologist Student Research Society of Eötvös University

2016 – SVP award for the best presentation at the „1st International Meeting of Early-stage Researchers in Paleontology” conference (Alpuente, Valencia)

2015 – XVIII. Hungarian Paleontological Conference, „Best student research”: I. prize

2015 – XXXII. National Scientific Conference of Students (Cluj-Napoca), Paleontology section: I. prize

2014 – Scientific Conference of Students at Eötvös University, Geology section: I. prize

2014 – Scientific Conference of Students at Eötvös University, Geology section: audience prize

2014 – Scientific Conference of Students at Eötvös University, Geology section: special prize of Hantken Foundation

2010 – X. National Conference of Researcher Students, Geography and Hydrology section: I. prize

Service in scientific bodies and conference organization

2022 – Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution

2021 – European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists

2021 – Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association

2016 – 2017 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology

2014 – Hungarian Geological Society


Visits, field trips

2023 – Berlin, Germany (Museum für Naturkunde): studying fossil aquatic bird material

2022 – Vienna, Austria (Naturhistorische Museum): studying fossil aquatic bird material

2017 – Berlin, Germany (Museum für Naturkunde): studying Triassic marine reptile material

2017 – Oradea, Romania (Țării Crișurilor Museum): studying Triassic marine reptile material

2013 – 2018 annual participation on the excavations at the Villány vertebrate locality: Villány, Hungary

2010 – annual participation on the excavations of the Hungarian Dinosaur Expedition: Iharkút, Hungary