
János Magyar

Msc Biology

János Magyar

Msc Biology


Postal address: 1117, Budapest, Pázmány Péter Promenade 1/C
Phone: 061-372 2500/8632
E-mail: magyarjani90@gmail.com
Web: http://paleo.elte.hu/munkatarsak_magyarjanos.html

Current Research Interests

Transylvanian dinosaurs-Evolution,Taxonomy and Paleoecology

2021 –
ELTE University, Department of Paleontology, PHd student



2015– Biology MSc (University of Debrecen, Debrecen)

2013-Biology BSc (University of Debrecen, Debrecen)


2017- ELTE Paleontology Department
position: Paleotechnician

2016 – 2017
Sándor Kövy Elementary school
position: Biology teacher

Hortobágy Nationap Park
position: Tour guide



Visits, field trips

2023 (9 days) – Visiting the Natural History Museum in London to examine ornithopod dinosaur fossils.

2022 (2 days) – Visiting the Ipolytarnóc footprint site to examine the footprints of carnivorous mammals.

2021 (3 days) – Visiting the Ipolytarnóc footprint site to examine the footprints of carnivorous mammals.

2018 (1 day) – Visit to the Natural History Museum in Vienna to study the exhibition.

2019 – present – Annual vertebrate palaeontological excavation in Romania (Haţeg-basin)

2019. (5 days) Search for vertebrate fossils in Gosau sediments in the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria

2018 – 2019 Annual participation on the excavations at the Villány vertebrate locality: Villány, Hungary

2016 – present Annual participation on the excavations of the Hungarian Dinosaur Expedition: Iharkút, Hungary

2014 (10 days) – Albanian Alps, Albania. Field work with the Greek Meadow Viper Working Group.

2014 (7 days)-Szenéte, Transylvania, Romania. Zoological field work.


2023 – „Best PhD research” I. prize, XXVI. Hungarian Paleontological Conference, Pécsvárad

2022-„Best PhD research” I. prize, XXV. Hungarian Paleontological Conference, Tótvázsony

2021 –Best PhD research” II. prize, XXIV. Hungarian Paleontological Conference, Nagyhuta



– Festival of Geoscience, representative of ELTE University

2022- Hungarian Geological Society, member
– Representative of Hungarian Dinosaur Foundation at Festival of „Földgömb”
– Representative of ELTE University at Lelkes Mineral Show
-Representative of ELTE, Department of Paleontology at Night of the researchers.

– ELTE TTK open day, Representative of Depertment of Paleontology
– Representative of ELTE University at Lelkes Mineral Show

– ELTE TTK open day, Representative of Depertment of Paleontology
– Representative of ELTE University at Lelkes Mineral Show
– Geodays, Representative of Hungarian Dinosaur Foundation
– Festival of the species of the year, Representative of ELTE University
– International mineral show in Budapest, representative of ELTE University
– Capital of sciences, representative of ELTE, Depertment of Paleontology
– Festival of Geoscience, representative of ELTE University

– Representative of ELTE University at Lelkes Mineral Show
– Geodays, representative of ELTE University
– Festival of the species of the year, Representative of ELTE University
– International mineral show in Budapest, representative of ELTE University
– Representative of ELTE, Department of Paleontology at Night of the researchers
– Festival of Geoscience, representative of ELTE University

– International mineral show in Budapest, representative of ELTE University
– Festival of Geosciences, representative of the Hungarian Natural History