Etymology: Named after Hungary and András Torma, one of the discoverers of the Iharkút locality.
Hungarosaurus is the best known species in the Iharkút fauna. This quadrupedal, 4-4.5 meter long, plant-eater ankyloaurian dinosaur has a body mass approximately 650 kg. Its skull was 36-40 cm long and in its jaws sitted at least 80 leaf shaped teeth which were perfect tools to cut its food. Its body from the neck to the tail region was covered with hundreds of dermal osteoderms characterized by various shapes and sizes. One of the peculiarities of Hungarosaurus its unusually elongate forelimbs (hindlimb:forelmb ratio=1:1) in contrast to most dinosaurs including ankylosaurs. In addition its skeleton was relatively gracile compared to other aromred dinosaurs. These features suggest that hungarosaurus was a relatively dynamic and more cursorial than most ankylosaurs.