Head reconstruction of Pneumatoraptor fodori

Pneumatoraptor fodori

Etymology: Pneumatoraptor: A raptor with pneumatized bones; fodori: after Géza Fodor, operative of the Bakony Bauxite Mining Company.

Pneumatoraptor is the smallest known predatory (Theropoda) dinosaur in the Iharkút fauna. Based on its fragmentary remains (part of the shoulder girdle, limb elements) adults did not exceed the size of a turkey. As it was assumed in other raptorial theropods Pneumatoraptor moved most probably in herds to lay out their prey. Their teeth are 1 cm high, flattened and serrated for a more precize shear of the meet, skin and thiner bones.

Although raptors of the Jurassic Park were reconstruced with scales on their skin, for today it is evident that Pneumatoraptor and relatives (e.g. members of the Dromaeosauridae and Troodontidae clades) were feathered dinosaurs. Although there is still no direct evidence for feathers in Pneumatoraptor, fossilized feathers, their impressions and skeletal features clearly demonstrate that these animals, similarly to recent birds, were covered by feathers and integuments very similar to feathers.

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